Babcock University Admission Letter & Acceptance Fee 2018/2019

Babcock University Starts the Printing Of Admission Letter And Payment Of Acceptance Fee for all students that were admitted in 2018/2019 Academic Session


All student that sat for Post UTME and successfully were admitted into the Babcook University, we are using this medium to inform you that the management has commenced the Printing of admission letter and also ask all admitted students to proceed to pay their admission acceptance fee for the 2018/2019 Academic Session.

See: Babcock University Postpone Post-UTME Screening Exercise-2018/2019


i. Go to
ii. Enter with your Application Page Username and Password
iii. Click Admission Letter, then Click GO
iv. Move down and you will see PDF to print Admission Letter in PDF format, you click.


HOW TO MAKE PAYMENT (ACCEPTANCE FEE): This is to inform all students excluding those students in LAW and MEDICINE AND SURGERY that they are expected to go the bank and pay their acceptance fee of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand only (N150,000.00) using your APPLICATION ID as reference on E-tranzact payment platform. it also includes part of your school fees.
Now all students that were offered provisional admission into Babcock University 2018/2019 Academic session, should note that the Fee is non-refundable.

Use Any of this Bank to effect your payment as you Present your Application ID (5 digits) and pay on the E-tranzact payment platform:
i. Diamond
ii. UBA
iii. WEMA
iv. Zenith
v. Guaranty Trust Bank
vi. First Bank.

If You need more guideline visit the university official website on:

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