Procedure To Obtain JAMB Registration e-PIN 2022

Procedure To Obtain JAMB Registration e-PIN: UTME Candidates have been asking a series of questions on how to buy the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) form and how to obtain the e-PIN 2022.

Procedure To Obtain JAMB Registration e-PIN
Procedure To Obtain JAMB Registration e-PIN

This is to answer the question of all candidates concerning the 2022 JAMB form and e-pin, that it can be purchased from JAMB CBT approved centres only and JAMB Offices Nationwide at the cost of Three thousand, five hundred naira (₦3,500.00) only.

Also, we got an update that JAMB will be charging an extra Five hundred naira only (N500.00) for the Jamb 2022 novel and also N700 for registration charges, making it a total sum of N4,700, Just note that JAMB UTME accredited centres have been authorized to see to this.

How To Make Payments

JAMB authorities have commissioned all CBT centres to choose any of the participating banks, that will be in charge of fund collections, and these banks must be in the accredited CBT centres, also no candidates should give any staff money for anything since the staff are not permitted to conduct any transaction with them,


Secondly, candidates should be informed ahead of time that the registration fee is seven hundred naira only, (N700.00) anything above this in any CBT accredited centre should be reported to JAMB immediately for actions.

To register for the screening, quickly go to any JAMB CBT accredited centre closer to you to purchase your JAMB e-pin and do your registration immediately.

ALSO SEE: How To Choose JAMB Subject – JAMB Subject Combination
Guideline To Register For JAMB 2019 Examination
Procedure to Create JAMB Online Profile

Procedure On How to Get JAMB e-PINs

Below is the laid-down procedure/steps on how you can get your Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) e-pins for registrations, carefully read it.

a. Mobile phone: one candidate with one mobile phone number only. The Cell phone number used to create the profile code is automatically tied to the Candidate’s name and will be used in all communications related to his/her 2022 Application. Meaning you can register with only one mobile number.

b. Name : Candidate should send his/her name (Surname, First Name & Middle Name, {if any}) by text (SMS) to 55019. This should be a maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = total of 40 characters.

c. once you send the above you will receive a Profile Code on the registered phone number, which is 10 characters.

d. The candidate will present the Profile Code at the point of procurement of the form (Banks, MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners). The JAMB form e-PIN is then sent as a text message to the candidate’sid mobile phone.

e. The candidate is expected to present the e-PIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for UTME registration.

JAMB Form ePins for 2022 Registration

Since you have succeeded in the registration and your 10 digit number is with you, which is the JAMB profile code. UTME candidates are expected to do the following as stated below to complete your registration:

1. visit

2. Now select ‘Sales of JAMB/UTME Registration Forms’ in the ‘Name of Service/Purpose” column

3. Then enter your registered phone number (the one on which you received the confirmation code)

4. Enter other details and

5. Select how you want to pay

6. Click ‘Submit’

  • Note: Once payment is done, your PIN is sent to your mobile phone number and also displayed on your Remita receipt.

For Direct Entry Candidates– JAMB e-Pins

All DE candidates should use this method to get their e-pin

1. Candidate must register on the JAMB Portal by sending his/her Surname, First Name and other names (if applicable) by text message from the phone number that would be unique to him to 55019 or 66019.

2. The candidate will receive a confirmation code.

3. Candidate visits Remita website

4. Clicks ‘Buy JAMB form’, selects ‘Sale of JAMB/UTME Registration Forms’

5. Select ‘Sales of JAMB/DE Registration Forms’ in the ‘Name of Service/Purpose” column

6. Enter candidate’s confirmation code received after registration via SMS

7. If a Phone number is already registered on JAMB, Payer’s name, is retrieved from JAMB otherwise, the candidate has to get registered on JAMB portal as described in step 1 above.

8. Enter other details and select how you want to pay.

9. Once the transaction has been processed, click the “Print Receipt” button to provide the payer with his transaction receipt. The JAMB DE PIN is displayed on the payment receipt.

Registered But Didn’t Receive E-pin. Read this.

Once you register and you did not get your e-pin, do not panic, You will just have to contact Remita with any of the following methods:

a. Address: 4th-8th Floor, 136 Lewis Street, Lagos, Nigeria.

b. Support: +234-1-6367000, +234700-7877678, +234700-7877678

c. E-mail:

Steps to get back misplaced e-PIN After Payment

If peradventure you misplace your e-pin, you can get it back using this procedure

1. If e-PIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or DE respectively from the unique number

2. The e-PIN would then be retrieved and delivered on the candidate’s unique number.

Where to get JAMB e-Pin (Selling Points)

The e-PIN selling points are:

1. NIPOST and eleven Participating Banks (ACCESS, FCMB, FIDELITY, FIRSTBANK, JAIZ, Polaris, Stanbic IBTC, STERLING, UNION and UNITY)

2. Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Transact, Pocket Moni, TEASYPay, Packway Projects (Readycash) and Xpress payment solutions

3. Participating Micro Finance Banks: Trust MFB, Zazzau MFB, Obeledun MFB and Regent MFB

4. Online Payment Platforms: System Specs (Remita), InterSwitch (Quickteller) Upper-link, e-Transact and Unied Payment Services (UPS)

5. Cooperative Society: JAMB Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society

6. Others: Unique ICT, Digital Partners Network

7. POS (Citi-Serve)

8. ATMs of banks listed in 5D (i) above (InterSwitch)

9. USSD (ERCAS) for mobile banking

10. Nigerian Embassies in Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Beau, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg, and London

Duties of Participating Banks / Outlet

a. Collect the Profile Code from candidate’s phone

b. Collect payment and vend ePIN by SMS to candidate’s phone (Not dictating or copying)

c. Facilitate POS Payment, if necessary

d. Issue Evidence of Payment

e. Collect Centre Service Fees, if requested by the CBT Centre

f. e-PIN is to be delivered electronically to candidates and not to be handwritten


Payment via Micro Finance Banks

a. Present Profile Code and pay by cash or card
b.  e-PIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Payment via POS

This is available at State Offices of JAMB + CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it

(a) Present Profile Code and pay by card
(b) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Payment via Mobile Money Operators

This is available at CBT Centres and Other Outlets
(a) Present Profile Code and pay by cash
(b) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Payment Using ATM

This is available on all ATM outlets of Participating Banks listed in 5D (I) (Interswitch Channel)
(a) Select Bill Payment and then pick JAMB
(b) Enter Profile Code and pay
(c) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Online Payment at JAMB Portal

1. Visit JAMB website:
2. Click purchase of 2019 Application Document
3. Enter your Profile Code
4. Select payment method (Interswitch, Remita, e-Transact, Unified Payment Solutions, Upper-link or Paga)
5. Make payment
6. e-PIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Payment via USSD

1. Dial *565*6*55019#
2. Enter Profile Code
3. Select bank and follow the prompts to complete payment
4. ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number

Procedure for the eight foreign centres only is as follows:

(a) The registration fee for candidates from the eight foreign countries is $20 or it’s equivalent in each of the eight countries

(b) Candidates from the eight foreign countries are to download the Application from the Board’s website ( complete and submit it with the fee at the eight designated centres as indicated on the website.

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