This is Wow as the First Class Graduate of Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, after graduating with first class in Biological Sciences, decided to let that go and follow her passion which is Fashion Designing

Aishat Biliaminu, a graduate of Biological Science, with a cumulative Grade point Average (CGPA) of 4.50 currently serving in Edo State, just disclosed that she has decided to take Fashion Designing As a career
“I wanted to study a professional course (Medicine and Surgery), which my parents wanted. They were also sad when I did not get Medicine. My dad asked me to sit for another UTME, but I didn’t like the idea. I applied to change from Biological Science to another medical course, but I wasn’t successful. I had to accept my fate. I promised my parents that I would finish with a First Class to make them happy.”
She mentioned that though her CGPA was below her expectation, she still thank God that she was able to make a first Class.
Speaking about her motivation, she said, “I saw every classmate as a competitor. Whenever I saw them going to read at night, I would lose sleep because I wanted to maintain my academic standing. This encouraged me to study hard. Whenever I was tired of reading and felt like going to sleep in the hostel, the sight of students reading would change my mind.”
Unlike other students that study in classrooms or Library, Aishat stated that she prefers reading in the Mosque as that is the only place that provides the tranquility that she needs to assimilate whatever she is reading.
In the social front, Aishat said is not all about reading as all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. She mentioned that she sleeps and watch movies during her leisure and attend other social functions.
She advised students to be careful of the friends they keep and shouldn’t be friends with people who have nothing meaningful to contribute to their goals.
Asked what her plan after the National Youth Service is, Aishat said: “No time to waste. I have been spending my time learning fashion designing. After my service year, I want to go fully into fashion designing. I have started. I have plans to employ people to sew clothes for me. Although I might eventually go into lecturing, my attention now is focused on fashion.”
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