UNIBEN matriculation orientation day: The arrangement for the UNIBEN virtual matriculation ceremony has been released. Below is UNIBEN matriculation ceremony date, time and venue for the 2019/2020 newly admitted students.
The School authority of the University of Benin, wishes to inform all new students and the entire University community that the 2019/2020 Matriculation Ceremony has been scheduled to hold as follows:
Date: Tuesday 15th September, 2020
Time: 10am
Venue: Online.
NOTE: Only the University’s Principal Officers and a few designated officials as well as student representatives of the various College, Schools, Institutes and Faculties are expected to be physically present.
The Provost, Deans, Directors, other matriculating students and members of the University community are to participate via a link that would be provided by the ICTU/CRPU. UNIBEN matriculation orientation day
Using of face masks is compulsory for those who will be physically present at the venue.
ALSO SEE: UNIBEN Post-UTME Screening Form Is Out For 2020/2021 Session